A great side dish to eat with plain rice or porridge. This recipe is a traditional old school family favourite with well balanced meat and mixed vegetable portions!
Minced Pork with Tofu
1. 2 packets of Long Silken Tofu. (Or regular Soft Tofu)
2. 3 - 500gm lean pork meat.
3. 1 Mixed Vegetable pack. (You can get it from supermarkets, but you only need 1 small bowl of it.)
4. Light Soy Sauce.
5. 3 tsp of Chopped Garlics
6. Oyster Sauce
7. Corn or Potato Starch.
1. Cut the tofu into 6 pieces each or of equal chunks
2. Steam the tofu pieces with some water for 10mins.
3. Once done just transfer the slightly heated tofu onto a serving plate and place aside.
3. Mince the lean pork meats if you have a blender at home. Otherwise you can get the pre-minced ones or ask the local butcher you help you do it. Season the minced meat with 1 tsp light soy sauce.
4. Heat up the wok with 2 tbs of oil and brown 3 tsp of chopped garlics.
5. Add in the minced meats. Stir fry the meats and break them up evenly and the colour changes slowly.
6. Add in a small bowl of mixed vegetables and mix well.
7. Season with 3 - 4 tbs of oyster sauce.
8. Prepare a solution of 2 - 3 tsp of corn or potato starch with 2 - 3 tsp of water.
9. Add the solution into the mix.
Mix well until it looks like this!
10. When serving, simply pour the cooked minced pork with mixed vegetables on top of the tofu that was already on the serving plate.